Monday, January 13, 2025

January 13, 1775 - Proceedings from the First Committee Meeting

Isle of Wight Committee Proceedings

"At a Committee held for Isle of Wight County on Friday, the thirteenth

day of January, in the fifteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord

George, the third King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the

Faith etc. and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred

antl seventy five.

Present: John Scarsbrook Wills, Josiah Parker, Brewer Godwin, Arthur

Smith, the Reverend Henry John Burgess, John Mallory, Tristram Nors-

worthy, Jun., William Davis, Goodrich Wilson, and Nathaniel Burwell Gent.

Resolved: That John Scarsbrook Wills Gent., be appointed Chairman to

the Committee, and William Francis Young be appointed Clerk to the said


Resolved: That notice be given to the several members of this committee

and that they do meet in the town of Smithfield, on Tuesday, the seventeenth

day of this Instant-January for the purpose of holding a Committee for 

the said County.

The minutes of these proceedings were signed.

John Scarsbrook Wills, Chairman."

We can still visit the 1750 Courthouse on Main Street, Smithfield!